Many people ask about travel insurance when they travel. Purchasing a vacation can be a decent sized investment and it is good to be sure it will be protected in case you have an unexpected change of plans. Trip insurance can help protect you if you have to cancel your trip or even if you take your trip and incur additional expenses due to lost baggage, change of flights, or other delays. Did you know you may even need medical coverage while on vacation? Travel insurance can help with that as well. ***Please read the policy you purchase carefully to be sure what is and is not covered***
You can often purchase travel insurance as an add on when you purchase your vacation. If you do a lot of travel you may want to purchase an annual plan or just compare costs and coverages by purchasing your own travel insurance. You can purchase your travel insurance on your own through other companies such as Travel Guard and Allianz Travel Insurance.
With over 20 years of industry experience, Travel Guard is America’s leading travel insurance plan provider. We specialize in providing innovative travel insurance, assistance & emergency travel service plans for millions of travelers & thousands of companies throughout the world. Our industry-leading, comprehensive travel insurance plans are distributed by more than 12,000 travel companies through virtually every distribution channel in the travel industry. Our comprehensive travel insurance programs, starting at $30, include per-trip & annual plans, coverage for trip cancellation, trip interruption, trip delay, medical expenses, baggage loss & more! Travel Guard provides 24/7-customer service with a personal touch through its World Service Center (1.877.797.7461). By owning & operating our own network of assistance companies, we ensure the highest quality in Travel Medical Assistance, LiveTravel® Emergency Service, Worldwide Travel Assistance, & Concierge & Personal Assistance.
Allianz Travel Insurance is a global provider of travel insurance and assistance with offices in 28 countries and is owned by Allianz, the world’s largest insurance company (Fortune). The company employs more than 900 people and partners with travel agencies and travel suppliers to help protect the travel investments and personal health of millions of individuals and families each year.
The insurance component of travel protection assures that you’ll be reimbursed for non-refundable financial expenses associated with a cancelled or interrupted trip, lost baggage, or medical emergencies (Exclusions may apply, depending upon the policy you purchase).
I always recommend purchasing travel insurance. Vacations are something special we save up for and that investment should be protected by the right travel insurance.